Monday, May 2, 2016

Start, Stop, Continue : Speech #4

Start :

  • From the group presentation I learned that I need to speak more. I had never really presented in a group before, and I found it hard to find opportunities to speak. Especially because my the other members in my group are such strong public speakers. I need to start making more of a presence on stage, which will help my role in the presentation standout. 
  • I think I also need to start looking more relaxed on stage. Especially during a group presentation where you are not always talking, it is important to stand still and confident on stage. 
  • From the "Trax" group I was able to see the importance of attention grabbers in presentations. Their video at the beginning of the presentation was very dramatic and emotional which got the audiences attention and also got them thinking about the rhetorical situation and the product. In my speeches I think I need to start doing more in the beginning to get and keep the audiences attention. 
  • From the "Tar Off" group, I admired their use of facts and data about the tar problems on beaches. It gave their product and rhetorical situation more meaning and also frames the purpose of their presentation. I think that when appropriate I need to start incorporating more data, facts and graphs to my speeches. 
Stop : 

  • One of the things that I really need to stop doing is fidgeting on stage. I noticed when I re-watched the video that fidgeting can make your presentation try awkward, and make the presenter look nervous. As mentioned above, this is especially true with group speeches because their are going to be times in the presentation that you aren't speaking. 
  • I also believe that I need to stop procrastinating and start actually giving myself adequate time to practice my speech. In group speeches this can be particularly hard because you have to work around different schedules. I think that if we put more practice into it we would have done a lot better on the delivery. 
  • I admired how the boys in the "Ai" group, especially Taka, presented themselves on stage. Even when they were not talking they looked very confident and collected in front of the audience (and they were not fidgeting) ! 
Continue : 

  • I need to continue making bad ass powerpoints. Although the group didn't agree fully on the positioning of the slides, I think that all in all our powerpoint looked very good! Eventually I should probably attempt to figure out prezi, but powerpoint for me is like second nature. 
  • The "Party Bike" group, had a really good powerpoint and I really liked how it matched up well with their presentation. By practicing the presentation with the powerpoint a few times you can really get a good feel of what will look best for the audience. 
  • I also think that I should continue making a strong presence on stage. I think that despite the fact that I found it challenging to talk sometimes amongst the group, when I did speak it was loud and strong, and hopefully left a good impression on the audience. 
  • "The Dump" group did a really good job of speaking passionately about their idea! Especially McCool who spoke of how she has had the idea for the Dump for a very long time and how it will positively impact the Carp community. 

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